Cocoa Butter Lotion


Cocoa has been used for over 3000 years in food and medicine. Ancient Aztecs and Mayans loved it so much that they used it as currency. Why? Because the high-fat content has a richer, denser feel than other moisturizers.

Our cocoa butter bar is partnered with sweet almond oil and a vanilla scent that is an amazing experience. The natural heat from your skin slowly melts the lotion and leaves a  trail of moisture just begging to be rubbed in.

Cocoa Butter Lotion is available in a lotion stick or eco-friendly solid bar. The stick lotion has a base that rotates to raise the lotion. The solid bar has bits of dried roses. While the roses do not offer any skin benefits, they are fun to have around.

The best way to store the Cocoa Butter Lotion is out of direct sunlight and away from heat over 120 degrees. Leave the lotion bar on your desk or next to your bathroom cup.


Ingredients: Sweet almond oil, beeswax, coca butter and vanilla fragrance oil