Lavender LipButter


Lavender LipButter, a treat for your lips made from premium natural ingredients. This luxurious lip butter blends Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, and Vitamin E to provide exceptional moisture and protection.

Beeswax forms a barrier that retains moisture while Coconut oil sinks into the skin for long-lasting softness. Avocado oil’s essential fatty acids nourishes and hydrates your lips, leaving them silky smooth. To round out this moisturizing powerhouse blend, the Vitamin E’s antioxidant repair and protect your lips. This balm’s ultimate goal is to hydrate and promote a healthy appearance because dry, cracked lips are never sexy.

A light scent of Lavender Essential Oil gives a subtle, relaxing hue. Not a drop of petroleum wax in site of this balm.


Ingredients: Coconut oil, beeswax, avocado oil, vitamin E and lavender essential oil.

Lavender LipButter